







RcCad Screen Shots


Real-time rendering

Real-time morphing of the 3D model while you edit it

Insertion/removal of fuselage sections

Automatic trigonometric interpolation of fuselage sections

Smoothing tools to help in your fuselage design

Scale 1:1 printing

Picture import helps you to convert 2D plans to 3D objects!

Resize and move tools to fit the imported picture with your drawing

Example of a 2D plan picture overlayed with the drawing

Fuselage transparency to check the equipment location

Free color edition of each element (wing, stab, fuselages,...)

Different colors for easy identification of each type of equipment

Library for common RC equipment (servo, receiver, accu)

Export in DXF format (beta test)

Save in VRML and publish your 3D model on the web ...

... and much more !


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